A deer and his family
You know the world has gone rotten
when deer begin to speak from the banks of the road.
I tried to run past them
but their voices, which are whispery and subtle like their movements,
called me to turn back.
I had no choice; I thought I was in a dream.
In my dreams I always listen to the deer.
You understand that I knelt in the pavement and put my head
to the deer’s white throat.
I bent in close, the way it wanted.
Its voice was thick in the way of gravy, scratchy and swollen
like newly paved road.
I asked it what it wanted to say. The deer said,
Look at me.
So I did. The deer’s eyes were two widely-spaced
darkly-caressing spheres.
I wondered why I hadn’t looked into deers’ eyes before.
The deer said, Look behind me.
I looked behind him and saw, huddled at his back,
his family, with the same black eyes and speckly white throats.
And behind them I saw an open space
of sad brown dirt and tombstones of bark.
Do you know where the woods went? whispered the deer.
I don’t know, I said after a moment.
And I just want to tell you
that the deer and his family were already a dream.