"​Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." -Mary Oliver
In search of a miracle
Take these roots and feel how they curve perfectly in your palms.
(Even the bumps and jaggedness, don’t they feel so familiar?)
There is nothing more fragile than its brittle, soft yellow
flower beak
Felt my bones age into womanhood.
Felt the end of an era. Felt the cliché in my throat
in my pants, in my blood, out my body.
You know that feeling
when you forget
the feeling of something important?
A scarce inkling,
a grieving for something
which may or may not be lost.
You know the world has gone rotten
when deer begin to speak from the banks of the road.
The rodent
sticks her head out the hole
tastes the air with cherry tongue
buds and fish bone whiskers